Sunday, October 3, 2010

Am I really going to do this?

The gluten-free world has really changed in the short time I've even been aware of Celiac disease. My diagnosis a year and a half ago threw a huge wrench into my everyday life - a wrench that SAVED my everyday life! I'd like to explore this aspect in the hopes that 1) I can help someone else going on this journey, and 2) maybe understanding my own journey a bit better. It seems to evolve every day.

This could be interesting!

I'm going to rely heavily on your comments. If you have a topic relating to the whole gluten-free thing that you would like to have explored, please - let me know. If I'm off on a tangent & would like to gently suggest that I shut up about it and get to something more relevant, say so. Don't be afraid!

So, let's get started!